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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Modern German

One of the first modern forces I painted was Eureka miniatures germans. The first group I painted was in gas masks and painted in a UN blue style. Was going for a peacekeeper force and generic to be used in any game. 

Then started to build out the force with first urban camo and then a few other forest camo schemes. 

Also part of of my german forces are: 

Frogmen from lead adventure miniatures. Painting wetsuits is hard and trying to do all black and dark green all mixes in the end. 

Comandos from lead adventure miniatures 

Then some other germans in gas masks now from battle valor games. These figures are generic but since the weapons and uniform are close to german modern made them part of my german force but could use as any force. 

 More pictures in this album Modern German Album

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