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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Hunter INF

 Now I do not normally do 15mm but bought these when buying the salamander mechs.  Have used the bigger figures of robots and tanks in 25/28mm but this was my first foray into 15mm troops. After basing and painting the infantry and sorting them now see why people only do 15mm. Smaller space needed to store. But I am sticking mostly to 28mm with everything except starships. But have been slowly buying other 15mm sci fi forces. 

Since this is my first time painting 15mm infranfy kept them basic with the paint jobs. 

More pictures in this album Hunter INF Album

Salamander Mech

 Here are my Rangers Project: Salamander Mech models from Kickstarter all painted up. I like Anthony Scroggins art work. Backed his art book project. And when I saw what they were doing, models put my money down for a few.

The models where very good cast not that much excess to remove. They are also very pose able at the joints. With the add on options can come up with many different variations. Bought a few others to try a few other weapons options want to do. 

Painted them in a primary solid color for each squad of three. But kept certain subparts on the mech the same colors of grey and whites. 

Did three squads of regular mechs with guns and missile on the back 

One squad as an AA guns on the back as a support unit. 

And Last squad as a support unit with a large cannon on the back. Tried to due camo on this ones and do not totally like. 

They are designed for 15mm but can be seen from the pictures that can be used in any scale. Have used them as tau in a few games of 40k amongst friends. 

More pictures in this album with other compares Salamander Mech

Desert Worm

 Part of one of the Reaper kickstarters was a great worm figure. When I saw it I knew that I wanted to use it in a desert scarino wanted to run. So I bought six of them. 

Painting them knew wanted to go for a desert scheme. But was somewhat not trying to copy a certain movie series. Do like the colors came up with but this was the first time reaper bones what was a little challenging with sticknes. 

Also did not realize until got them how big they were going to be. But now have a creature to come out of the ground in games. 

Few more pictures here Desert Worm Album

Modern German

One of the first modern forces I painted was Eureka miniatures germans. The first group I painted was in gas masks and painted in a UN blue style. Was going for a peacekeeper force and generic to be used in any game. 

Then started to build out the force with first urban camo and then a few other forest camo schemes. 

Also part of of my german forces are: 

Frogmen from lead adventure miniatures. Painting wetsuits is hard and trying to do all black and dark green all mixes in the end. 

Comandos from lead adventure miniatures 

Then some other germans in gas masks now from battle valor games. These figures are generic but since the weapons and uniform are close to german modern made them part of my german force but could use as any force. 

 More pictures in this album Modern German Album

Monday, December 28, 2020

Wargods Mycenaean

 The next warband I painted for Wargods of Olympus is my second mycenaean warband. The first time I painted the Mycenaeans was quite a few years ago and only the warriors. Now the second time around more troop types, different shields and better painting techniques. 

This time around painted the armor as dark brown leather. Used a few different bronze paints for the different emblems on the armor and shields. Painted the horns in bone color. This time I liked the colors better than the older ones. 



Pletast and Archers: 


More pictures in this Album: Mycenaean Album