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Saturday, October 3, 2020


 In games like to put in a few random encounters that can pop up for the forces can fight. One of the figures found to use in the encounters is the backbiter. A creature that levers in the sewer and comes out to attack. The figure is from RBJ game company. Has a feel of an old GW figure from necormonda. 

Painted them in two different color schemes because I could not decide which one to use. Used colors close to the parasites and tapeworms found in nature. 

More pictures in the album Backbiter Album

Modern Chec

 One of the other first modern forces painted was a rebel force that could be from one of the baltic or stan states to use against the russians. The figures are all now from Empress miniatures. Painted them in either left over russian gear or general civilian clothes. 

More pictures in this album Modern Chec Album