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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Pulp Bots

Some figures painted years ago. There are Hydra Miniatures pulp robots. Painted in a basic metallic silver with balck highlights. Not much to them but a start to the small pulp collection have growing.

Did a few conversion on the bigger bots one has a brain other head. Transferred from the evil scientist that created these mechanical terrors.

Few More pictures here Pulp Bot Album

Near Future Soldier

Looking at different art for near future soldiers always liked what I saw and wanted to play in games but no one really made miniatures that matched in 28mm. So I decide to make my own.

For the base I used the Dreamforge Eisenkern figure as the base. Then I added different pouch accessories to the front and arms to make it more modern. For the heads used Puppet Wars sci fi heads that looked close to the different art. Guns used a few different types, especially the mini gun (Always Cool).

Painting did a few different variations for each squad. Did a red and blue paint scheme close to several video games out there. Rest were painted in different  modern camo schemes.

Now have some near future soldiers can use in games.

Video Game paint scheme 

Camo Paint Scheme 

More pictures in this album NFS Album LInk

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Bob Drone

Picked up some Antenocitis bob drones based on a certain movie. Liked the design of the drones. Just another generic sci-fi force to use in games.

Painted in a basic white with black highlights for guns and other sections.

More pictures in this album Bob Drone Album

Modern French

My modern french force. Figures are from Eureka. Painted in a forest / jungle came scheme. All have the red beret. Just a basic small force.

More pictures in this album Modern French Album

Giant Red Ants

Giant red ants from Crooked Dice. Blacked the kickstarter to get these sets which always wanted figures like these to use in post apocalyptic games.

I rebased them to be on square bases, easier to transport with magnets. For painting, use the GW contrast paint. After reading and trying on a few test figures. Primed black then dry brushed white. Then red contrast paint. The contrast paint came out close to the color I was looking for. Still not sure if I like the contrast paint as I hate priming white. But this is just another method to use when painting. Highlighted a few other details then done painting.

More pictures in this album Giant Red Ants Album