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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Modern USMC

Next force that I painted for moderns was USMC. First paint scheme used was the desert camo from the Iraq war. Most of the figures are from Victory Force plus a few others mixed in. 

The other paint scheme for the other platoon was a basic green camo scheme. Figures are from Victory Force, Assault Group and others. 

More pictures in this album Modern USMC Album

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Grey Hats

Also from the TV show Colony added the Grey Hats as a more lethal occupation force for the aliens. Where almost the same as the red hats but grey. Used Empress Marine figure as the base and putty up the face mask.

Just another generic force can use in games.

More Pictures in this album Grey Hats Album

Red Hats

From the TV show Colony had the occupation force for the aliens called red hats. Humans in dark grey fatigues with face masks and red on the helmets. I.E. red hats. I used Empress Marines as the base figure then putty up the face mask on the head.

Have yet to use them in a game but have a few ideas on what I want the game to be. Just have to figure out what rules to use. But have another generic force to use in games

More pictures in this album Red Hats Album

Modern Black Mask Other

When trying to find what the best heads would be for the black masks also bought Anvil Industry heads and body and used these parts to create a few other forces.

Painted a few other black masks with more modern guns and all black.

Then ones with AK’s made as a type of death squad with black and red death masks and camo fatigues.

Anvil also makes a modern fig in bomb disposal armor and a mini gun. Made three different ones with a gas mask and red devil head. Know this comes from one of the modern computer games.

More Pictures can be viewed in this album Modern Black Mask Album

Modern Black Mask

From a few shows, especially from sci-fi Dark Matter there have been a rash of soldiers wearing solid back metal masks. These were inspired from real life military and spec ops. When Pig Iron productions and Anvil industry released Ballistic masks. Know that could finally create the figs to represent these soldiers. I used Empress french as the body of the fig and used the Pig Iron as the head.

Now when I painted them messed up when used the matte spray. Wanted them to be all back but used a few different blacks to vary the color. For the mask used a dark metallic and to pick out the eyes painted them red. They all looked good and what I wanted but then the mistake, the matte spray washed out all the different colors of blacks.

But still like how they turned out. Now I have a dark generic force I can use for a few things.

And Painted up 

Have a few painted up plus a few heavy weapons 

More Pictures can be found in this album Modern Black Mask Album

Saturday, June 6, 2020


For one of my fractions for pulp games and others was the plantmen from Hydra miniatures. I first painted the seedlings many years ago. Basic green color scheme for the body and different bright color for the head like real flowers. 

Then a few years later bought the bigger plantmen and painted close to the same colors. But bark for the body and same bright colors for the head. 

Since the models come with two different head types. Took the left over and made them into ground plants. Took wire and sculpted up the stalk for each head to rest on. Then based on then on a base in a few groups. Use them to hide in the bushes until ready to strike the enemy. Or killer plants. 

And All together

Link to Album with more pictures Plantmen Gallery