My Blog List

Monday, May 25, 2020

NGR Gunship

For my Sci Fi force NGR created these three gunships from Antenocitis Workshop "Roc" dropship. I wanted them not to be transports but more like Huey gunships. To make them into gunship add gating guns from Red Dog Mini to the nose turret. Plus tubing to make thumper grenade launchers underneath the barrels. On the wings add missiles from Robotech/Macross veritech add on parts. The box launchers are from the 1/48 kit  and missiles are from 1/72 kit. Used plastic strips to make runners on the side transports.

 Now made a mistake on the flying stand. Went one way but the weight of the model made it a little unwieldy. Should have used metal rods. But used GW flying stand.

The figures are Dreamforge female stormtroopers part of my NGR force. Painted in the desert color scheme used on my NGR force.

More pictures in the this album NGR Gunship Album

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Modern Russian Chem

My first force for moderns are Modern Russian chemical suits. Painted them in a blue color based on a few pictures I saw online. Figures 25mm and are from Eureka. 

All the troops
 Close up

 Flame Thrower
Link to Album with more pictures: Russian Chem Album

Start- Montra

This is my gaming first post on my gaming blog. Will try to keep up to date on a regular basis. But everyone knows how life can affect everything. This is more of a place to put the different gaming projects I am working on.  

My philosophy on gaming is simple, this is what I do for fun and to relax. When playing games even in tournaments you are not saving the world or curing a disease. This is all meant to be fun. Make sure everyone around you is having fun, to an extent.

Painting philosophy is the same way. I paint just to paint and now has somewhat become relaxing when painting. Of course there are figs you are painting that just do not want to cooperate. I paint to game not for show. Of course I paint more now than when I first started as a teenager.