For my Sci Fi force NGR created these three gunships from Antenocitis Workshop "Roc" dropship. I wanted them not to be transports but more like Huey gunships. To make them into gunship add gating guns from Red Dog Mini to the nose turret. Plus tubing to make thumper grenade launchers underneath the barrels. On the wings add missiles from Robotech/Macross veritech add on parts. The box launchers are from the 1/48 kit and missiles are from 1/72 kit. Used plastic strips to make runners on the side transports.
Now made a mistake on the flying stand. Went one way but the weight of the model made it a little unwieldy. Should have used metal rods. But used GW flying stand.
The figures are Dreamforge female stormtroopers part of my NGR force. Painted in the desert color scheme used on my NGR force.
More pictures in the this album
NGR Gunship Album